IPv4 Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet
Addresses Hosts Netmask Amount of a Class C
/30 4 2Â 1/64
/29 8 6Â 1/32
/28 16 14Â 1/16
/27 32 30Â 1/8
/26 64 62Â 1/4
/25 128 126Â 1/2
/24 256 254Â Â 1
/23 512 510Â Â 2
/22 1024 1022Â Â 4
/21 2048 2046Â Â 8
/20 4096 4094Â Â 16
/19 8192 8190Â Â 32
/1816384 1638 2255.255.192.0Â Â 64
/17 32768 32766Â Â 128
/16 65536 65534Â Â Â Â 256
Guide to sub-class C blocks
/25 — 2 Subnets — 126 Hosts/Subnet
Network #IP RangeBroadcast
.0Â Â Â Â Â .1-.126.127
.128Â Â .129-.254.255
/26 — 4 Subnets — 62 Hosts/Subnet
Network #IP RangeBroadcast
/27 — 8 Subnets — 30 Hosts/Subnet
Network #IP RangeBroadcast
/28 — 16 Subnets — 14 Hosts/Subnet
Network #IP RangeBroadcast
/29 — 32 Subnets — 6 Hosts/Subnet
Network #IP RangeBroadcast
Network #IP RangeBroadcast
/30 — 64 Subnets — 2 Hosts/Subnet
Network #IP RangeBroadcast
Network #IP RangeBroadcast
Eaglesoft not connecting to database
Published On: July 6th, 2022 By Dave Morrison
We recently replaced a workstation at a local dentist office. We were able to ping the server by both IP and hostname, same version of Eaglesoft running on the server and the workstation, we can access the DATA file.
However we constantly received the following error:
“Database server not found”
We uninstalled and reinstalled EagleSoft, rebooted server, rebooted workstation, uninstalled bitdefender, disabled firewall, ensured all updates are done … contacted EagleSoft support and were still not able to get a connection. After working with EagleSoft support for some time, the issue was resolved.
The Solution
Easglesoft Server name which is typically “Patterson” by default had been changed to the server’s WINS name.
Unable to Connect to Eaglesoft Server
Published On: December 12th, 2020/By Dave Morrison/
At a larger dental office recently, we had a single computer that would not connect to the Eaglesoft server no matter what. Even after a complete reinstall, it would always get the error that it can’t connect to the server machine.
We contacted Eaglesoft and this is a new problem that they have been recently seeing and appears to be related to a recent .net update.
The fix 99% of the time is:
Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config
If machine.config is missing from here:
Find machine.config.default and make a copy of it named machine.config
Open Eaglesoft technical reference and update the server name/IP
Verify Eaglesoft connects and works after making these changes
Turning the Eaglesoft Error Checking Utility Off
Published On: March 1st, 2016 By David Ferszt
Window 7 – 64 bit
Go into the registry editor.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug.
Rename Debugger to OLDDebugger and Auto to OLDAuto.
Exit the Registry Editor.
(For Window 7 32 bit, follow the same steps above, but omit Wow6432Node from the registry path.)
Windows XP:
In order to disable the Eaglesoft error checking utility, take the following steps:
Go into the registry editor.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug.
Rename Auto and Debugger to ESAuto and ESDebugger.
Rename OldAuto and OldDebugger to Auto and Debugger.
Disregard the value data in the entries. Note: The values on the customer’s machine will not match the screen shot. They do not need to be changed.
Exit the Registry Editor.
If you need to just turn this off temporarily, simply renaming the C:/Eaglesoft folder will “turn this off”. Just remember to rename it back when you are done.
The Eaglesoft Server could not be contacted
April 15, 2024
By Tom La
At a dental office, we had a single computer that could not find the Eaglesoft server. The error shows before the the login screen. Check to make sure the following file exists:
C:\Eaglesoft\Shared Files\Eaglesoft.exe.config
​if it is missing, copy the file from a known working computer in the same office.
Turning the Eaglesoft Error Checking Utility Off
Delete the Eaglesoft User data config folder
April 15, 2024
By Tom La
If you are having issues with custom settings on a pc, reset the Eaglesoft to defaults by going to:
delete or rename the Eaglesoft.exe_################### folder in there. then restart eaglesoft​
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